For more than 50 years Graves Construction has been helping people throughout Hilton Head Island and the Lowcountry transform their dream homes into reality.
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For the prospective homeowner, Hilton Head Island is unquestionably one of the nation’s finest resort and residential communities. A place where a lifestyle of such quality and variety has been created that our community has become a symbol – an island retreat where man is at peace with his environment, yet able to truly enjoy the amenities of “the good life.”
Founded by Robert Graves in 1959, Graves Construction began with a simple objective: To build just a few homes each year and build them to the highest standard. Certainly when our company was founded, it was a “simpler time” on Hilton Head. It was easier, in those early years, for us to assist our clients; those who were building or planning to build homes here. But as the volume of business and commerce has increased, Graves Construction Company, has, in turn, kept apace on its ability to respond to the needs and desires of its customers. Graves Construction Company has grown to serve four distinct areas: custom homes, remodeling, commercial building projects and construction and design consulting.